Our upcoming game STANDBY explodes on Steam January 6


Dodge! Shoot! Go faster! Break the sound barrier in this unbelievably fast game and go straight for the first place in the leaderboard of BARRIER X!

[img]https://media.giphy.com/media/3o6ZtrBGTJgVPqpp7O/source.gif[/img] [h1]The release date for the game STANDBY is set to January 6, 6:00 PM PST![/h1] Get ready to delve into the glitchy game world and master the controls in this vibrant platformer! I hope you're hyped as we are, peeps! Hit that [i][url=http://store.steampowered.com/app/494580/]“Add to wishlist”[/url][/i] button and get notified when the doors to the glitch world will open!