A more or less fortunate event led to you receiving your own piece of land, which you can freely develop. You can also explore the already accessible regions of Hyalen to complete quests, obtain new recipes, mine resources and improve your crafting skills.
[b]New Abilities[/b]
[*] Plant Sling V1
[i]Summons a wild creeper.[/i]
[*] Force V1 (Prototype)
[i]Push back all opponents around you.
Can also be used to trigger crop plants, for example.[/i]
[*] Relevant regeneration values are now automatically displayed above the player.
[i]The display can also be deactivated in the settings.[/i]
[*] The player now also flashes briefly when he takes damage.
[*] Legitimate targets for physical projectiles set to actual entities until further notice.
[i]Arrows no longer get stuck on terrain. Enemies no longer shoot their friends in the back. Stuff like that.[/i]
[*] Extended character stats now show, for example, what you have already knocked down in the entire game time.
[i]Can be viewed via the character window.[/i]
[*] Savegames are now sorted in the main menu according to the last time they were accessed.
[*] Various new UI functions have been added to simplify inventory tasks.
[*] The Necromancer's room has been made a little more interesting.
[*] Removing savegames via the main menu is now quicker.
[*] Start sounds volume adjusted for new games.
[*] Various background music tracks adapted.
[*] New sounds and sound effects added.
[*] Various UI graphics upgraded.
[*] Placing structures should now work as usual again.
[*] Various animation errors fixed.
[*] Many others.
[i]Some of the bugs were obviously immune to fire.[/i]