

A more or less fortunate event led to you receiving your own piece of land, which you can freely develop. You can also explore the already accessible regions of Hyalen to complete quests, obtain new recipes, mine resources and improve your crafting skills.

[b]New[/b] [list] [*] Gordon is now giving out a quest that could provide a clue to your past. [*] The first miniboss can now be found in the last room of the Crypta. [*] The renegade bandit now sells various hats when you meet him in his hideout. [i]Sunhat, Fruithat, Beehat, Pighat, asm.[/i] [*] A campfire can now be made again. The recipe for this is added automatically. [*] Fireplaces such as campfires or smelting furnaces now have a heat zone around them. [*] Certain eggs can now be hatched in heat zones. [*] It is now possible to obtain void slime eggs by releasing excavated old relics. To breed void slimes, a male and a female are required and it is not known which sex will hatch from an egg. You must also ensure that the right food is available, which can only be grown by yourself and cannot simply be found in the world. The mating of void slimes does not produce a child, but always a void slime egg, which can be hatched in a heat zone. [i]Long story short: To breed void slimes, several eggs and at least 1 seed of void berries should be available.[/i] [/list] [b]Improvements[/b] [list] [*] Various UI windows slightly reduced in size. [*] Quickbar slots increased to 14. [/list] [b]Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Killing an enemy while his projectile is still flying no longer triggers an error. [/list]