A more or less fortunate event led to you receiving your own piece of land, which you can freely develop. You can also explore the already accessible regions of Hyalen to complete quests, obtain new recipes, mine resources and improve your crafting skills.
[b]Character creation extended[/b]
[*] Customizing your character to your own needs is a very important point.
Therefore, it is now possible to customize all available parts such as face, body, body color, hairstyle, hair color, beard and beard color.
In addition, there are no restrictions on the choice of different parts.
So if, for example, you want a female body with a female face, an black beard and white hair sticking up, nothing stands in the way.
[*] For helping Marek expand his house, you now also receive the recipe for the leather apron (shirt and pants) that the blacksmith also wears.
[i]But don't tell the blacksmith, he thinks he's wearing exclusive clothes.[/i]
[b]New Abilities[/b]
[i]All of them are available from the druid until further notice.[/i]
[*] Spectral Grasp
[i]Reach through the spectral fog and try to pull an object towards you.[/i]
[*] Fireball
[i]Unleashes a fireball in a chosen direction.[/i]
[*] Plant Growth
[i]Stimulates the growth of a selected plant and increases its growth level by 1, if possible.
Note, the previously added spell that stimulates the growth of all plants in a radius has been renamed “Plants Growth V1”.[/i]
[*] The ability to revive a zombie as a companion now drops with a small chance from the Necromancer in the Crypta and is no longer simply available from the Druid.
[*] Accessibility to recipes of various houses deactivated.
They will return to the game later with a new style.
[*] The smelting furnace has also been standardized and now works completely via the associated inventory.
[i]Simply place flammable items and items to be melted in it, activate the furnace and it will do the rest.[/i]
[*] Various houses visually upgraded.
[*] Day song #3 now has a proper fade out effect and is no longer ended abruptly.
[*] Zombies revived as companions no longer sometimes turn into mini zombies that get completely out of control.
[i]Even though it was actually quite funny to watch.[/i]