

A more or less fortunate event led to you receiving your own piece of land, which you can freely develop. You can also explore the already accessible regions of Hyalen to complete quests, obtain new recipes, mine resources and improve your crafting skills.

[b]Steam Page[/b] [list] [*] Added some new screenshots and updated some older ones. [/list] [b]New[/b] [list] [*] The Forest Witch now also offers the recipe for a Speed Buff potion. [/list] [b]Start Menu upgraded[/b] [list] [*] The start menu is now also adapted for 16:9, 16:10 and 21:9 aspect ratios. [*] If you want to create a new game, the character now starts with randomly selected parts. [*] Added a randomize button, just because it's fun. [*] The character now behaves more vividly in the preview. [*] The mini-game in the start menu now runs more conveniently. [/list] [b]Improvements[/b] [list] [*] Ability equip cooldown reduced to 5 seconds. [*] With the "Revive Zombie as Companion" ability, you can now explicitly select a corpse to be resurrected with the mouse. [i]A random corpse in a radius is no longer selected.[/i] [*] Animals that have been put on a leash now run as long as they follow the player. [i]Smaller, slower animals can still simply be lifted and carried.[/i] [*] Knockback effect of all weapons and abilities used on enemies reactivated. The effect now also runs much more smoothly. [i]Knockback effects of opponents on the player left deactivated for now.[/i] [*] If an error occurs in the game, the error message can now simply be copied to the clipboard via a button. [i]Thank you for your support and feedback so far![/i] [*] Various spells now have their own animation and magic sound effect. [*] Buffs of the same type now overwrite each other when applied. [*] Climbing onto a mount is now more convenient. [/list] [b]Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the wrong body to be assigned. [*] Wild animals and wild creatures should now only appear and disappear at their scheduled times. [/list]