Omni Link Release Date - September 4th

Omni Link

Omni Link is a hybrid visual novel featuring exploration, real-time space combat, and choices that affect gameplay and story. Find love across the stars, and become a hero in an epic adventure.

When I played through the entire story the other day and the credits rolled. I was really moved with emotions. The ending is truly epic to the tale I've been building the last two years and I can't wait tell you all experience it. The last chapter is truly the best of them all. [b]I'm happy to announce that Omni Link is complete and will be released September 4th.[/b] They often call a game when finished "Gold". My game at the moment is "Gold plated". I only need till Sep. 4th to iron out the last few things. I've always wanted Omni Link is be a story you experience more than you read. I can safely say, that it's become like that for me. Thankyou Steam Community for "Early Access" which made this possible!