Free Manga & Game Update Announcment

Omni Link

Omni Link is a hybrid visual novel featuring exploration, real-time space combat, and choices that affect gameplay and story. Find love across the stars, and become a hero in an epic adventure.

[img][/img] [h1] Omni Link Manga released:[/h1] My first words are a shout out to my friends and family that have made the story of Omni Link possible. They not only helped with funding, but emotional cheers of support as well. It is your support on Steam and other places that has made these projects possible. [i]*read and share the link with all your friends. For those that play the game, you'll notice the story's beginning is similar, yet unique in it's own way. Some events are entirely new. Issue #1 ends with Dawn's first test of strength on Remnos station. I'm sure many of you wanted to see that scene play out, and now you can :)[/i] [h1] Video Game release date:[/h1] WIth the first comic/manga release out of the way, I can focus my attention 100% on the game. I don't yet know when I can release the game. That's not to say I don't know when I can finish the core game. There are reasons I can't be be more specific. You will know the time is close for release when...(read below). Sorry, I'm so vague. [h1] Want to get more involved:[/h1] 1) Before the games release I plan to introduce your ship ideas and side-quest ideas into the game. I think it would be fun for you to have a chance to be a part of the game in that way. [i]*I'm hoping at least one of you will be able to design a character for the game too.[/i] I will include these new pieces of content (your ships & side-quests) into the game, after the game is completely finished. So when I start asking for this information, you know the time is close for release. 2) If you want to support the game the most, get it during early access. All early access purchases increase the production value of the game including: new art, characters, music, and a manga for you to enjoy. 3) Share the manga with eveyone. [url=] Omni Link Manga[/url] 4) For exclusive info, art, and story, be a part of my Patreon: Edit 2/19/2019: Patreon is being majorly changed and updated (coming soon) [url=] Patreon Updates[/url] Thankyou!