Oct. 3 - Patch (current version: v5)

El Paso, Elsewhere

STAKES. GUNS. SLOW-MO. Fight werewolves and vampires in a reality-shifting motel. Dive through barricades to escape the grasp of evil puppets. Destroy the villain you loved. A new, third-person love letter to classic shooters. Neo-noir never looked so good.

Hello hello! We're pushing another patch with more fixes and tweaks for the game. Not a lot of them here but we wanted to push this out ASAP before we started working on more fixes. [b]V5 CHANGELOG[/b] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where Draculae could turn invincible if the game got reset during her Avoidance period. [*] Fixed an issue where the camera could freeze in place during boss fights. [*] Fixed an issue where James could get stuck in his staking pose after resetting. [*] Adjusted the timing of some events in Ourobouros. [*] Fixed an issue where Draculae's health bar would not display during her fight & her AI would not work as intended. [/list] We've got more patches coming up so feel free to post any issues or bugs you've had with the game in our Bug Reports section over at Steam's Discussion Board. And hey- thank you for playing El Paso, Elsewhere!