NROI CRO, IPSC mini tilted target, Nested Groups

Practisim Designer

Practisim Designer is a sandbox for budding or expert stage designers to create innovative stage designs for the practical shooting sports like USPSA, IPSC, Steel Challenge, IDPA and others. Design stages, play them and export the written stage briefings to PDF.

[list] [*] New Props[list] [*] IPSC mini tilted target [*] NROI Chief Range Officer[/list] [*] New Functionality[list] [*] Some steel targets are now colorable [*] You can now change the texture of the flower wall prop [*] Added different highlight color for parent object in a group [*] Nested groups[/list] [*] Bug Fixes[list] [*] USPSA Split popper right circle doesn't color properly [*] Custom props won't show the blue cylinder anymore [*] Nested Group highlighting, saving and reloading has been fixed [*] Fixed bug in flower wall texture not loading correctly [*] Unique IDs are not incremented correctly with custom nested groups [*] Thumbnail will generate properly with nested groups [*] Cloning doesn't work with nested groups [*] Cancel cloning leaves props behind[/list] [/list]