Flashing borders 180 check, Apply default colors in one go

Practisim Designer

Practisim Designer is a sandbox for budding or expert stage designers to create innovative stage designs for the practical shooting sports like USPSA, IPSC, Steel Challenge, IDPA and others. Design stages, play them and export the written stage briefings to PDF.

[list] [*] New Functionality[list] [*] Changed Range Officer glasses to gold [*] Split up popper and mini popper text to USPSA WSB [*] Flash borders when 180 is broken in Sim mode [*] Apply default colors (SHIFT-M)[/list] [*] Bug Fixes[list] [*] Adding new camera now respects aspect ratio [*] Locked props won't show highlights in Sim & Dryfire mode [*] DEL key now resets timer correctly[/list] [/list]