Quick update this week (v0.58). Fixed a few nagging issues and NRA AP1 Targets

Practisim Designer

Practisim Designer is a sandbox for budding or expert stage designers to create innovative stage designs for the practical shooting sports like USPSA, IPSC, Steel Challenge, IDPA and others. Design stages, play them and export the written stage briefings to PDF.

[list] [*] New Props[list] [*] NRA AP1 Targets[/list] [*] Bug Fixes[list] [*] When selecting props from list, mouse will be positioned on selected prop [*] Auto numbering won't affect custom target text [*] Special characters will be stripped from filename when saving stages [*] Custom text on activators now will persist [*] Fixed adding additional views causing props to rotate [*] Props should not go below ground entirely anymore [*] Wall dimensions are more accurate now [*] Square walls are more aligned to grid floor[/list] [/list]