Custom Target Text Height, Horse-like Platform, Text Improvements

Practisim Designer

Practisim Designer is a sandbox for budding or expert stage designers to create innovative stage designs for the practical shooting sports like USPSA, IPSC, Steel Challenge, IDPA and others. Design stages, play them and export the written stage briefings to PDF.

[list] [*] New Props[list] [*] Horse-like Platform[/list] [*] New Functionality[list] [*] Target Text Height customization [*] Target Text color now has a subtle outline [/list] [*] Bug Fixes[list] [*] Text Color now maintains consistency [*] Fixed Cel Shade not applying to target text [*] Fixed bug with target text tilting after toggling top down camera [*] Target Text Always Points to Camera will not affect Custom Text Objects [*] Fixed locked objects not showing red highlights [*] Fixed problem with custom text scaling [*] Custom Text collision is more accurate now, easier to select [*] Optimized how additional views are generated[/list] [/list]