Nominate Filthy Animals for a Steam Award

Filthy Animals | Heist Simulator

Filthy Animals is a chaotic single-player/co-op heist game for up to 4 players. Become a mutant animal working for criminal mastermind Tony as you steal, fight, fall over, and eat tacos. Solve puzzles and avoid security before making off with the loot, ya Filthy Animal!

ey yous buncha Filthy Animals, Tony 'ere again. This time with a little request for ya. If youse could be so kind, could ya... [h2][b]Nominate Filthy Animals for the Better With Friends Steam Award[/b][/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41074614/fd1af4ef244b23572614965fa8d952eb624b447c.png[/img] That's right, it's that kinda time of year where awards get handed out an' we think we deserve a big fat award we can hang on our wall and look at when it's cold outside. If you like Filthy Animals, if you've had fun with it with yer pals, if you've played it and laughed at yer friends falling over, smashin' into stuff, an' just being a buncha Filthy Animals - drop us a nomination. If there's one thing we know, it's that Filthy Animals really is better with friends. Smack that button above an' youse will have my eternal thanks. Tony out! [h2][b]Keep in Touch[/b][/h2] [list] [*] Join our [url=]Discord[/url] [*] Follow us on [url= ]Twitter[/url] [*] Follow us on [url=]TikTok[/url] [/list]