Filthy Animals Quality of Life Update + Get -25% Off!

Filthy Animals | Heist Simulator

Filthy Animals is a chaotic single-player/co-op heist game for up to 4 players. Become a mutant animal working for criminal mastermind Tony as you steal, fight, fall over, and eat tacos. Solve puzzles and avoid security before making off with the loot, ya Filthy Animal!

ey youse buncha Filthy Animals, We’ve got a big update for ya today - the [b]Quality of Life Update![/b] It’s packed full of stuff that’ll make Filthy Animals better to play and easier to enjoy. We’ve added some new stuff and fixed some other stuff so check out what we’ve got for ya below! To celebrate this update you’ll also be able to get [b]25% off Filthy Animals[/b] until the 29th of Jun. So if you’ve been waiting to grab our chaos-filled heist multiplayer game now’s the perfect time. Enough from us - get ready fuh patch notes! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41074614/9d3d416baf449d12cafa5ebc6b51836dbdd02067.png[/img] [h2]New Stuff[/h2] [list] [*]Players can now quit during a Heist and resume from the level that they left off! No more needing to clear your schedule for those longer heists. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41074614/436554fb9b6a1e985c6523b81d26c617d213f3b4.png[/img] [*]Play time is now recorded for each Heist and displayed on the summary screen, while your Best Time is permanently displayed on the Heist in the Level Select screen in the Main Menu. [*]Now you can always be reminded of your impressive - or pathetic - heists. [*]In multiplayer, it is no longer immediately game over when all players die: now you can all be Flushies at the same time! Get revived at a toilet by the helpful and handsome TonyBot. [*]It is now possible to end a level as a flushie, so that you don't need to backtrack to revive yourself first. This will also prevent players from getting stuck in the Nuclear crate, ahem. [*]When you select 'Retry' from the pause menu on the final level of a Heist, carry-through objects (such as the Nuclear Pigeon, UFO, etc) will be kept. Figured we'd go easy on ya's. [/list] [h2]Fixed Stuff[/h2] [list] [*]Fixed a bug which caused an insufficient amount of Filthy letters from spawning on the Prison Heist, preventing players from completing the objective and getting achievements. [*]Fixed an issue where keycards could get stuck underneath the Military trailer as it rolled down the hill, forcing a restart. [*]Fixed an issue where sombreros would spawn underwater in the first Military level, making it unreachable. [*]Changed the face scanner to a button in the first military level to avoid game breaking scenarios when no NPCs are available. [*]Fixed an issue where the AK would often clip through terrain. [*]Fixed an issue where the ice cube on the target in the first Military level would remain in place when the target falls. [*]Fixed a missing collider issue with a VAT in the first Nuclear level. [*]Fixed an issue where the Revive progress circle would not render in front of some objects [*]Fixed an issue with the rotation of the revive progress circle [*]Fixed a bug where the door to the first toilet in the second Space mission would be locked [*]Fixed a bug where the gravity indicators in the second Space mission wouldn't change [*]Fixed the ramps in the first Nuclear level so that players can smoothly run up them [/list] [h2]More Stuff Soon[/h2] That’s all we've got for ya now but keep yer eyes ready, we’ve got some big news comin’ soon. [h2]Grab a Filthy Discount[/h2] Head over to the store to grab 25% off Filthy Animals today - we’ll see ya in-game! [h2][b]KEEP IN TOUCH[/b][/h2] [list] [*] Join our [url=]Discord[/url] [*] Follow us on [url= ]Twitter[/url] [*] Follow us on [url=]TikTok[/url] [/list]