Filthy Animals Patch Notes - May Update!

Filthy Animals | Heist Simulator

Filthy Animals is a chaotic single-player/co-op heist game for up to 4 players. Become a mutant animal working for criminal mastermind Tony as you steal, fight, fall over, and eat tacos. Solve puzzles and avoid security before making off with the loot, ya Filthy Animal!

Filthy Animals is out but that doesn't mean the work's over. We've been quashing bugs, fixing stuff, adding new things, and making Filthy Animals better than ever before. Now, with our latest patch, we've got a ton of new updates ready to share with you. We're sure you're going to love all the work we've put into our game post-launch: here's everything that's new! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41074614/9d3d416baf449d12cafa5ebc6b51836dbdd02067.png[/img] [h2]Gameplay Stuff[/h2] [b]Unlocking new heists just got easier[/b] - One of the key pieces of feedback we received was that some players were getting a little frustrated when trying to unlock new levels. To make this better and easier for everyone, we've reduced the number of objectives you need to complete in order to unlock the next heist from [b]4[/b] to [b]3[/b]. [b]Enhanced Revive Visuals[/b] - We've revamped the visuals when a player starts getting revived to make it more clear to everyone what's going on. Now you'll know exactly what's happening with your unlucky teammate who just got knocked down! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41074614/19a227478910d57bb86f6100cc01350cfbfdeb43.png[/img] [b]Sliding Objects Are Better, More Slidey[/b] - To navigate some puzzles, objects like bookshelves or crates may need to be dragged across the floor. We've greatly improved the handling of these objects so getting through heists and successfully completing puzzles should be simpler, better, and more slidey. [h2]Performance Stuff[/h2] [b]Greater Network Stability[/b] - One of our primary focuses since the launch of Filthy Animals has been to make sure players can play together online with more stability and better performance. We've introduced a ton of fixes aimed at making playing online better and we're confident that players should have a much better experience with the current version of the game. Please do note that Filthy Animals uses peer to peer connections in order to connect players, so if you do encounter network issues when playing Filthy Animals as a first step check [url=""]our FAQ[/url] for some troubleshooting steps. If you still experience issues after troubleshoting - let us know! [b]Better FPS[/b] - As we work towards getting Filthy Animals on console we're undertaking a huge amount of optimisation changes. While these are primarily focused on console players, this optimisation work means PC players should also see a bump in performance. [h2]Bug Fixes 'n' Stuff[/h2] [b]Character Deformation[/b] - Some players might have experienced their character becoming deformed when running past or through objects. This should now be resolved. [b]Ledge Issues in Bank 2[/b] - If you happen fall off the ledge in the second Bank level, after respawning some characters became unresponsive. This has been fixed so you can respawn with confidence! [b]Disappearing Flushies[/b] - A very rare issue meant that when a player's flushie could disappear from the game meaning they couldn't be revived. This has also been fixed, time to live...AGAIN! Whew! Now enough from us, go check out the update. [b]Please note[/b] that when attempting to invite friends or when accepting an invite, all versions of the game will need to be updated to the current version in order to successfully join. This applies not only to players on Steam, but those crossplaying with players on Epic too. Do remember let us know what you think on our [url=]Discord[/url], on our [url= ]Twitter[/url], or here on the [url="]Steam Forums[/url]. We'd love to hear from you - your feedback is helping us make Filthy Animals better and better and...BETTER! If you haven't picked up Filthy Animals yet then smash that Steam link below and go grab it and join a world of crime, tacos, and mutant animals: [h2][b]KEEP IN TOUCH[/b][/h2] [list] [*] Join our [url=]Discord[/url] [*] Follow us on [url= ]Twitter[/url] [*] Follow us on [url=]TikTok[/url] [/list]