New Start Menu scene; toggle look fix; badges fix!


Rescue the civilians, race the clock, and raze the enemy in MH-Zombie, the world’s only helicopter arcade simulator! Three flight physics modes, three difficulty modes, and a tutorial mode provide a stepped learning curve and wider accessibility to realistic helicopter flight.

Hey there, Team MH-Zombie! Apologies for the late fix for the toggle look option, which has been executing the look function every frame the button is held down, making for a bit of a wild experience for all but the quickest of toggle-look users. I redid the start menu as a way to update the store capsule images, and I went a bit overboard and lost track of time. I'm also really attached to the old start menu, so on first start it's still there. Go back to the start menu from the game though, and you'll get the new setup. There's still one important element missing from the new scene, but I have to figure out how to implement it. PM me what you think the missing element is, (and how to implement it if you're savvy), and if you're right I'll send you a free MH-Zombie sticker! (to the first 100; in the unlikely event more than a couple of you even bother haha) Changelog: o New start menu scene upon returning to the start menu o Updated Nuclear Bomb looks much more terrifying (imo) o Fixed toggle-look executing every frame held down o Fixed issue with badges spawning further and further apart o Fixed (invisible) issue with enemy perimeter event triggers o New rocket model actually looks like the 2.75" FFAR it's supposed to represent o Invert Pedals option added for those with wonky HOTAS setups o Removed the 2nd level LOD for the Nuclear Powerplant chimneys- tried to fix the smoothing and the lighting biffed it so I'll fix it when I make texture atlases for everything. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42072312/e5e7c328e64a7d43e92f91d08bde82c94fd45632.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42072312/9fce80b5c2d3228003ba3f88ae1ca14c6220ee2b.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42072312/45626f3fec7409d3d244f5d69c9aa48591f9dcf0.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42072312/364b0cf02759a71536aa36a73ec89643e4857390.png[/img]