New Set of Quality Updates!

Intergalactic traveler: The Omega Sector

A game about solving labyrinths with puzzles and battles in order to test your skills.

Standard Updates: *The drawing point of sprites is now more suitable for a top down perspective. *Shields now prevent a forced respawn after a collision *Added a new Load system menu, when losing the game *Added more respawn options when exiting an Artificial Space, you can select to appear on the collision spot or the previous respawn point taken. *For the majority of fixed damaging obstacles that are actively moving, colliding with them will change its animation to indicate the impact. *Now, the respawn point item leaves a trace over the ground. It indicates the respawn spot on each map. *When dashing, the main sprite changes form accordingly. *The Respawn Points now Stay in Place, so they can be rehused when need it. Minor updates: *Some little polish to the respawn fade out after a collision. *Better ratio to the Shield Exchangers. *Added some extra icons for certain battle status on the English version of the game. *Added animation when losing a shield due an ice asteroid or brown boulder asteroids collision. *Added the lose of fuel animation to the special object of stage 16. *Some better performance for the stage 17 main zone. *Added a little color effect to the player when collide with the puzzle obstacle of stages 21 and 22. *A more smooth effect for a single interactive object that opens a path, related to the main zone of stage 20. *Added the Tech gear +1 animation to the TG token item. *Added numbers that indicate the amount of active shields, on the shield hud. *reduced cache limit of pictures from 200 to 90 for memory optimization. Fixes and Corrections: *Fixed an odd glitch that makes the player invisible in the evader zones. *Fixed the occurrences when the OmegaSpeed meter indicator was going under the main HUD and a better performance of the indicator. *Around 5 text lines rework for some interactive objects found at the end of a special stage. *Less flashing intensity when respawned due a thunder hit. *Fixed a visual glitch that show only the speed bar without the speed meter, when inside a Bonus Area. *reduced the flashing intensity of the psychic wave attacks *Added a screen shake for when a Shield or Fuel item on the inventory didn't have an effect. And a little more color to the basic flash effect. *Some small polish for the loading speed of a stage. *Reworked the static obstacle of the stage 17, to be less flashy and more stable. *Reworked the puzzle object of the stage 17, to be less color flashy. *The vanishing effect of an item after a collision triggers faster now. *Fixed the instances of not adding tech gears to the hud, for when a random encounter occurs. *Make a windowed option instead of a transparent option for the space probes, when accepting a trade. *Reduced the volume of some AudioReceptor Tracks to be more even. *Having collecting items prevents the damage of the "restore functionality" ability, for when colliding with an obstacle. *The basic animation blocks of stage 20 have been retouched to be less distracting and more subtle. *Removed the parallax scroll of one of the segments of the main zone of stage 20, in order to improve performance. *Some retouches to the main zone of stage 23 to make less backtracking and performance. *Changing the color of the last exit point marker, to be more special. *Fixed a teleport portal that became stranded after finishing the main puzzle of stage 1. *Made the Phase Field animations more subtle. *Change the position of a TGcoin that hid too well a puzzle object in the main zone of stage 2. *Fixed a missing parallax background for battles in one of the last stages of the game. *Some color balance for the battle background HUD system. *Fixed a glitch that used to dissapear the Ultra and Omega Speed animation after a collision with an obstacle. Thanks for your support!