New Build Tutorial and Challenge Mode in Version 0.410

Let's start with the changelist this time. It's not a massive one, as some of the things listed took a bit longer than you might think at first. Here's what changed in version 0.410: [list] [*] Added 5 new build tutorial missions + islands [*] Added new build tutorial system with step by step instructions [*] Added challenge missions/objectives for first 2 main + 5 build missions [*] Added new challenge mode logic and objectives [*] Added new voice lines for new build tutorials + challenge mode [*] Added new part unlocking system for Build&Destroy campaign [*]--- Editor lets you edit the part locking per mission [*] Added a Mission Complete/Challenge Complete popups when you finish [*]--- 3-stars for normal missions (bonus and main objectives) [*]--- Moment of completion for Challenges [*] Added invert output option to direction sensor (Max Limit = 1 instead of 0) [*] Islands now load their outline meshes from disk instead of generating them [*]--- Speeds up going into either campaign for the first time after startup [*] Level Editor: Added new tools to help place more entities faster [*] Changed reset layout for vehicle controls to use a better default layout (assumes you haven't change mappings) [*] Crystals are now semi-random on each load (3 chosen from ones placed) [*] Changed campaign map islands to fade in/out as you get closer (instead of always drawing) [*] Fixed campaign map scrolling limits to be dynamic based on islands in the campaign [*] Increased build menu size of parts and part names [*] Made shift+click work to select the same colored-parts again (on the Colors setting) [*] Level Editor: Fixed popup for vehicle default selection deselecting [*] Level Editor: Fixed cutoff sliders for grass/rock (switched to Wave Logic-style) [*] Fixed not being to remap a gamepad axis (stick/trigger) [*] Fixed resizing part reseting physics linkage [*] Fixed CoM debug display (F11) being broken on certain maps [*] Slightly reduced area damage boost to structures from 0.360 (particularly with lower mass) [*] Fixed shortcut to hide/toggle handle not working (Ctrl+W) [*] Disabled outlines on selections/etc during build mode (too slow with tons of parts) [*]--- May bring it back later if it can be optimized [*] Added debug function - Shift+F11 in build mode - disable BOTH as a dual input/output option [*]--- May make this permanent, feedback is appreciated [/list] The biggest things for 0.410 are the new build tutorials and missions in the Build & Destroy campaign, and Challenge mode now being a real thing that's fairly fun (7 challenges currently). There are a lot of smaller changes within those, and a lot of voice lines added as well. I'm pretty happy with how the initial missions for the Build & Destroy campaign are shaping up, and the Challenge missions are working well. The build tutorial is hopefully good for new players, but really I need to test it a lot more. Feedback on the tutorial is appreciated. It's a different style than other tutorials, and there will be at least 5 more tutorial missions coming in the future. The additional ones will be less step-by-step and more general. The idea is to teach the basics and then slowly let the player take more and more responsibility for the vehicle design. By mission 11 in the BnD campaign, there won't be any instructions, though you'll still be unlocking parts throughout that campaign. BUILDING NOTE: I'm considering removing the "Both" mapping option for part controls. Parts can have up to 4 inputs and 4 outputs, and you can assign 2 at once (as an "axis"). But I've been finding it more annoying than helpful when working on vehicles, and I added a mode to disable Both as an option. Hit Shift+F11 while in build mode, and you'll no longer have Both as an option. Just something to try out for advanced vehicle builders. [b]UPCOMING WORK[/b] After a small bug-fix update or two to follow 0.410, my next two priorities for big tasks: 1) Revise camera system. 2) More objectives and things to support additional objectives. The camera system work I need to look at more closely and figure out if I should rewrite the whole thing or try to wedge in transitions to animated/scripted cameras at the start/end of missions. Both approaches could work, and though I'm tired of messy code throughout the game, rewriting something that mostly works is not always wise. Having some way to override/blend into a different camera might work, and it could mostly reside outside the rest of the camera system. For the objective stuff, it's time to finally add turrets and drones/orbs that attack the player (and Kraken). I'm not sure if those will be vehicle-based, or custom objects (like the car/truck/SUV). Beyond the enemies, I need to make sure all the other mission types I want to do are possible. The missions are turning out well so far, but I also see how it could become tiresome/repetitive due to too much focus on destroying stuff. Part of that also requires more creative level design and vehicle/physics interaction. Either way, having a variety of missions is needed to keep the game fun for both campaigns. Beyond those two things, the biggest remaining task is adding all the missions to both campaigns. That's a massive task on its own, but I'll be breaking it into smaller groups along the way, and missions should get easier to work with fewer features being added. Beyond missions, there are quite a few small tasks, and I'm sure I'll find more things to fix/tweak along the way. It finally feels like I will finish the game someday, even if I'm not sure yet when that is.