My Healing Potion Out Now!

Dead Pets Unleashed

Struggling punk rock band, Dead Pets, are looking for their big break. Play rhythm games at band practice, work a diner shift, converse with characters and manage Gordy’s life. Dead Pets Unleashed is a feminist, slice-of-life, management-lite, minigame-heavy story; unleash your inner demon!

We've released another song from the Dead Pets EP - My Healing Potion is OUT NOW everywhere you stream music! This one is a little silly - seriously, how did Brian get away with writing this, let alone putting it on their EP 😂 But it's the perfect remedy for your weekend plans! [previewyoutube=WABAHutj18s;full][/previewyoutube] Have you seen the Audio Deep Dive by our audio designer and composer Andreas Busk, from the Save and Sound festival? Andreas takes you through developing the Dead Pets' punk sound, along with the soundtrack and sound effects of some of the minigames! [previewyoutube=ab6LYwqDVEU;full][/previewyoutube] Lastly, if you've made it this far, we wanted to point out that we've put a release ~ period ~ on our Steam page! Okay, yes, it does just say 2024, which I know sounds far away, but we promise we're working hard on Dead Pets, and 2024 is really just right around the corner! We can't wait to share a proper release date with you Soon™ [list] [*] [url=]Spotify[/url] [*] [url=]YouTube Music [/url] [*] [url=]Apple Music [/url] [*] [url=]Tidal[/url] [/list]