Gordy’s Diary - June 2023

Dead Pets Unleashed

Struggling punk rock band, Dead Pets, are looking for their big break. Play rhythm games at band practice, work a diner shift, converse with characters and manage Gordy’s life. Dead Pets Unleashed is a feminist, slice-of-life, management-lite, minigame-heavy story; unleash your inner demon!

Dear Gordy’s Diary, it's already June! Seriously, where is the year going?! We had such a busy month in May, Gordy forgot to update her diary! You might have seen, we were a part of LudoNarraCon last month! We streamed some gameplay with commentary from our dev team, sharing some behind the scenes stories about how the game is made. In a few day, on June 13, Dead Pets Unleashed will be featured in the [url=https://twitter.com/Dames4Games]Dames 4 Games[/url] showcase, with a brand new trailer! You can catch Dames 4 Games at 1pm PST, June 13th, streaming on the Guerrilla Collective [url=https://www.twitch.tv/guerrillacollective]Twitch[/url] and [url=https://www.youtube.com/c/guerrillacollective]YouTube [/url]channel. We have a tiny little teaser to share with you from the new trailer, you'll never guess what this minigame could be 🤭🤭 [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42817685/fc819a78392ba8119d47faf8d7a7f7a21e94e577.png[/img] Little... guys? a spring??? Any guesses? Be sure to check out all the fantastic games featured across all the [url=https://store.steampowered.com/sale/guerrillacollective2023]Guerrilla Collective events on Steam[/url] - and don't forget to wishlist!! Gordy and her Dead Pets have also been busy, working on some banging new songs! Seriously, you're gonna love them, we cannot stop playing them on repeat. We'd give you more of teaser... but you just have to be patient 😎 [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42817685/9d033317dca044486cd2dd3a02871e671b4bc1b0.png[/img] How good is cable management? Thanks for being nosy and checking out Gordy’s diary! We’ll be back next month with some more unnecessary Gordy news and maybe some dev news too! Get all your Gordy related content here: [list] [*] [url=https://discord.gg/q3nNqkg ]Join our Discord server[/url] [*] [url=https://twitter.com/TripleTopping ]Follow us on Twitter[/url] [*] [url=https://www.tiktok.com/@tripletopping ]Follow us on Tiktok[/url] [/list]