Designing our protagonist Gordy from a feminist perspective

Dead Pets Unleashed

Struggling punk rock band, Dead Pets, are looking for their big break. Play rhythm games at band practice, work a diner shift, converse with characters and manage Gordy’s life. Dead Pets Unleashed is a feminist, slice-of-life, management-lite, minigame-heavy story; unleash your inner demon!

***small spoilers*** It's Astrid, Game Director of Dead Pets Unleashed, checking in with another small behind-the-scenes look at Dead Pets Unleashed. If you've played our free demo, you already know our main character, Gordy. She is a bit of a mess, always speaks her mind, and struggles with commitment and responsibilities. Ida Hartmann, Ame Searle, and I wrote her like this because we often find that female protagonists in books, films, and games are written in a specific way to be "allowed" to play the main character. Even a feminist icon like Ripley from Alien has to be perfect; she is strong, smart, and effortlessly sexy. I know that is the stereotype of any action hero, but I still think it creates an image of women that is impossible to reflect yourself in. Gordy is not perfect at all; she is human first and foremost, and sometimes she makes irresponsible choices, like borrowing money from Jay and struggling to pay him back. She drinks too much and drifts without much direction other than her dream of playing with the punk band. Most of the team behind Dead Pets Unleashed is based in Denmark, a country with extreme privilege, and I wanted that reflected in Gordy's character. She often complains about her money struggles to her friend Kela but forgets that, unlike Kela, Gordy actually has financial support from her parents when she needs it. The safety that provides makes it easier for Gordy to live her life and be irresponsible—an option not available for her friend Kela. I hope we have created a protagonist for Dead Pets Unleashed that is more human/demon, she may not always be likable but I think it´s easier to relate to her. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42817685/a4b0a7580bdb41c9a57ea926737692209dc82881.png[/img] [list] [*] [url= ]Join our Discord server[/url] [*] [url= ]Follow us on Twitter[/url] [*] [url= ]Follow us on Tiktok[/url] [/list]