Gordy’s Diary - April 2023

Dead Pets Unleashed

Struggling punk rock band, Dead Pets, are looking for their big break. Play rhythm games at band practice, work a diner shift, converse with characters and manage Gordy’s life. Dead Pets Unleashed is a feminist, slice-of-life, management-lite, minigame-heavy story; unleash your inner demon!

Hello and welcome to the first installment of Gordy’s Diary! We’re here to overshare all of Gordy’s secrets, along with giving you some updates on how Dead Pets Unleashed’s development is going! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42817685/703fde02e49bce7d4cb6289bfd712912b1af0db9.png[/img] You know who totally deserves her own talk show? You guessed it! The dev team have been working hard on the game, (but not too hard - Triple Topping are a non-crunch studio!) and while we’re still a way off from any big announcements for you, we’re super happy with the progress we’ve been making, and how the game is coming together. The script of the game is nearly complete, with our writers working on the final episode at the moment! How will it end? We sure hope they know! In more important, Gordy-related news, we’re hugely excited to share that our 30 year old protagonist went to the dentist for the first time in YEARS. Like, too many years. It went about as well as you’d expect, and she was in a lot of pain afterwards, but hey, at least she still has teeth! Consider this your reminder that you should go to the dentist once a year. Please don’t be like Gordy. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42817685/211076f5dcedd0702251e7df3bc3b1e3377fbe7c.png[/img] Ew?? Please floss, Gordy. Thanks for being nosy and checking out Gordy’s diary! We’ll be back next month with some more unnecessary Gordy news and maybe some dev news too! Get all your Gordy related content here: [list] [*] [url=https://discord.gg/q3nNqkg ]Join our Discord server[/url] [*] [url=https://twitter.com/TripleTopping ]Follow us on Twitter[/url] [*] [url=https://www.tiktok.com/@tripletopping ]Follow us on Tiktok[/url] [/list]