Modernizing a Micro Classic

Tiny Troopers: Global Ops

Attention! Tiny Troopers: Global Ops is a fast-paced arcade twin-stick shooter in which you lead an elite squad of Tiny Troopers on action-packed missions to take down hordes of unscrupulous enemies from all corners of the world!

The Tiny Troopers franchise began as a mobile game, with its first release on June 7th, 2012. As the brainchild of the multi-award winning Finish mobile studio, Kukouri Mobile Entertainment, both the top down squad based multidirectional shooter ‘Tiny Troopers’ and ‘Tiny Troopers 2’ were immediate successes on Mobile, and later on PC - managing to simultaneously provide bite-sized arcade shooter action and scratch that Cannon Fodder nostalgia itch for those of us old enough to get misty-eyed over names like Jools, Jobs and Stoo. Tiny Troopers Mobile: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40196564/2c572255d1ef0e5415aa21fbab197080062eb33c.jpg[/img] In 2014, Epiphany Games (Devs of Tiny Troopers: Global Ops) joined the fray. Here, they brought the updated version of the original two Tiny Troopers games combined to the Xbox One platform which we now know as ‘Tiny Troopers: Joint Ops’, as well as adding new content to the game known as the ‘Zombie Campaign DLC’. Tiny Troopers: Joint Ops [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40196564/97546be8ee9e1d93dfb2a42f95b409fe6c8974ea.jpg[/img] We felt that the gameplay of Tiny Troopers would be a perfect fit for the Nintendo Switch platform, so a deal was struck, so we set about creating our sequel and homage to the original Tiny Troopers games. [b]Tiny Troopers: Global Ops[/b] The vision for Tiny Troopers: Global Ops from Epiphany Games and Wired stemmed from the feeling that the series truly deserved a sequel to Joint Ops; we wanted to bring Troopers to next-gen consoles while modernizing the gameplay for the current audience and sprinkling in a new big feature - co-operative multiplayer! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40196564/9480069226240789c11e22e5ef79d33ca9bad56e.png[/img] For this modernizing tribute, we knew that we had to keep the same excellent gameplay, a humorous take on war, while maintaining a serious undertone which was seen in the previous titles. One of the key challenges we faced was staying true to the original Tiny Troopers art and visual style while adapting the game to the new visual tools and capabilities of current game engines. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40196564/eb492636962b8d20aae38b87bd7e91320c85414a.png[/img] The number one and key feature added for Tiny Troopers: Global Ops was cooperative play, both online and couch co-op with cross-play available between consoles and PC for up to four players. Admittedly we did underestimate the challenges involved with making a game work within the multiplayer requirements for each individual platform, however, we were determined not to budge on this being an important part of Global Ops identity, and something that gamers should be able to expect in multiplayer games in 2022! It took a lot of work, but I am sure the end result will be worth the hours it took to happen! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40196564/9480069226240789c11e22e5ef79d33ca9bad56e.png[/img] Overall we believe that we have created a sequel that has kept all of the elements that made the original ‘Tiny Troopers@ great, while adding new elements to bring the troopers up to speed with a modern audience - Troopers! Let's squad up and hit the battlefield together!