Mission Files #1

Buried in Ice

Buried in Ice is a first-person horror game with survival and shooter elements. As a Secret Service Agent, you have been assigned to guard and ensure the correct functioning of an Antarctic research base. Can you survive and solve one of the most concealed mysteries of the U.S. Government?

[h3]TOP SECRET[/h3] [Major AI behaviour spoilers, use with caution] January 24, [Spoiler]CLASSIFIED[/spoiler] Central Intelligence Agency Antarctic Base of Operation Attn: Foreign Intelligence Officer This letter constitutes a report of unidentified specimens observed by [spoiler]Agent "Kurt"[/spoiler] at date [spoiler][CLASSIFIED][/spoiler] have been observed again at [spoiler][CLASSIFIED][/spoiler]. Unidentified specimens earlier reported in [spoiler][CLASSIFIED][/spoiler] has been confirmed as potential biohazard threat. Received from local intel data included observations of particularly disturbing facts. - The unidentified specimens show signs of a self-preservation instinct. Signs of intelligence have not been confirmed. Ongoing Investigation. The specimen does not seem to have set habits, and it's trying to hide from encounters. Noted behaviours: [spoiler]hiding from sight[/spoiler], [spoiler]photophobia[/spoiler], [spoiler]aggressive if not outnumbered[/spoiler]. - The unidentified specimens show signs of body mutations of unknown origins. Due to the mutation rate, it's hard to determine whether we deal with many specimens or encounter the same repeatedly. Noted malformations: [spoiler]Multiple heads[/spoiler], [spoiler]displaced eyes[/spoiler], [spoiler]various numbers of limbs[/spoiler] A video material is attached as part of the report and registered as [spoiler][url=https://youtu.be/oLxKxOwdF1g]video material no.001/D013[/url][/spoiler] and [spoiler][url=https://youtu.be/UzJ2n8bf98g]video material no.002/D013[/url][/spoiler]. Taken further efforts to learn about the scale of the threat. [spoiler]Requesting appropriate preparation of backup forces in case of S.H.T.F situation.[/spoiler] [spoiler]Agent "Kurt"[/spoiler] is awaiting further instructions at radio wave: [url=https://discord.gg/uwG5pywvJE]https://discord.gg/uwG5pywvJE[/url]