Devlog #10 Monster

Buried in Ice

Buried in Ice is a first-person horror game with survival and shooter elements. As a Secret Service Agent, you have been assigned to guard and ensure the correct functioning of an Antarctic research base. Can you survive and solve one of the most concealed mysteries of the U.S. Government?

Hello there. This time we would like to explain how the monster body will behave. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39619896/f833e5bb63ae68c2c6840ef3c5b388ecd2f8af66.png[/img] Before we start explaining, we should answer a potential question. Why is a monster made out of boxes? Today we will talk only about the mechanics behind the infected body. How it looks is subject to another time, and those mechanics will work on humanoids, animals and various monsters alike. It requires some more work. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39619896/78e5f68b71b6136d01a50d6d930ef26e2d85e707.png[/img] [i]Yes, its head will chase You separately from the rest of the body. Shoot off one jaw so two will try to kill You. Or maybe it will grow spider-like legs? Who knows? ;)[/i] Let's back to the main subject. Our monster is a parasite and acts like one. It will invade a body, and it will change how the host looks and behaves when it's deciding to do so. We can also force it to change. Just try not to kill somebody innocent by accident. Its main goal is reproduction and invading more and more hosts, but he also will be cautious with this activity not to endanger himself too much. Here is an example of humans being invaded by parasites while under fire. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39619896/dbff94a8708153e8ed95a130efb346da4afba00b.gif[/img] Every limb will be detachable. Each stem has its resistances, health points and hp regeneration and works as satellite AI to the main body. After receiving enough damage, every limb will fall off and have a chance to be brought back to life and become the new enemy. Parasites are hard to kill. They can come back to life once they are killed. The only fully reliable way to kill it will be treating them with enough fire. Below you can see how this fire will look in-game. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39619896/39ef13c06eff110d853c472148fc182c79fd0cf2.gif[/img] Until next time. Yours Buried in Ice Team [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39619896/3275740acc70c627275e89ee73f2cec9575f4e27.png[/img][/url]