Devlog #4 Monster AI Work in Progress

Buried in Ice

Buried in Ice is a first-person horror game with survival and shooter elements. As a Secret Service Agent, you have been assigned to guard and ensure the correct functioning of an Antarctic research base. Can you survive and solve one of the most concealed mysteries of the U.S. Government?

[h3]Hello there![/h3] This month was a coding adventure! We are pleased to share with you a game mechanic are currently implementing into our game. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39619896/109ff42c3c6d2d7664050eee47b7305d7dce4d68.png[/img] [u][b][h3]Monster Navigation System[/h3][/b][/u] Our team is currently working on a navigation system that will make a monster move both on a floor and the walls! You might remember a similar design from the Alien versus Predator series. In Buried in Ice, it will be a much more complex mechanic, as Alien versus Predator's Aliens mainly used only the shortest path to Player. And Aliens didn't keep approaching when cut in half. Imagine being attacked by a monster that can spread (yes - SPREAD) in all directions, jump on walls and keep chasing you... scary indeed! Did You just shot off monster hand? Better watch out if it's not crawling to You anyway. We hope to bring immersion to another level with those mechanics. [b]Buried in Ice[/b] is a horror game. We need to make the monster position ITself according to the players' movement and attack unpredictably. Right now we are testing this system for floors and walls. We consider using ceilings as well but we might encounter some serious game difficulty balance problem with this so it needs further testing from our side. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39619896/c94e29c9664772579936ac8bd1035eb983d171ad.png[/img] Work is still in progress, and we still have few things to be fixed. For example, the transition between a floor and a wall is not smooth enough yet, and it needs further improvements. We need to connect it with the graphical part of the game as well. [b]Let's use an example here:[/b] We just shot off the hand of the monster. This hand from now will move [b]independently [/b]from the main monster body but will behave like its satellite. It might sneak on the player by crawling on the wall. It might hide and wait for an occasion. If the monster will run from us it will run with it to connect with the main body later. If we will start running from the monster then those separate parts might try to chase us. Since the system is innovative, we need to find most of the solutions by ourselves. Games that have similar working monster movements don't exactly match what we want to create. But don't worry, the positioning and the monster's priorities are working fine, and it's really promising at this stage of development. Stay tuned for more! More game mechanics will be introduced in the future Devlogs. If You have questions about the game feel free to ask us on our [url=]Discord Channel [/url] Yours Buried in Ice Team [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39619896/3275740acc70c627275e89ee73f2cec9575f4e27.png[/img][/url]