📖 Mini-Devlog #18

Research Story

Set out to discover and record plants and creatures for the Violet Archive. Grow crops, tame animals, and build the perfect farm! Forge friendships along the way as you begin your life as a researcher!

[h3][✨v0.9 is in development, to be released by the end of next week!✨][/h3] [h2]Hello Researchers![/h2] It's been a while since the last devlog - I just wanted to do another update before v0.9 goes live! Many things have been in development, and all the to-do list in our last devlog and more has been implemented: [list] 💚 Non-romanceables Green Heart Events ✉️ Non-romanceables Blue Heart and Yellow Heart Mail 🍕 More cooking recipes and food effects 👫 New Hangout Type: Casual Hangouts 🎯 5 New Steam Achievements ✨QOL changes [/list] Here are some of the more visible/interesting changes! Many of these has been requested by players, including a daily summary, casual (repeatable) hangouts, and better shipping box UI. [h3]✨Daily Summary✨[/h3] When players head to bed at the end of the day, a daily summary will show the key progress made by the player. Other than [b]shipped items[/b], [b]submitted research scrolls[/b] and [b]relationship changes[/b] are also tracked. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40811669/82db284ddc8b97f31dd63226119d8fb3f9ceec86.gif[/img] [h3]💛Casual Hangouts💛[/h3] [b]Casual, repeatable hangouts[/b]! Hangouts are now categorised into two types: Story Hangouts and Casual Hangouts. Story Hangouts (the ones currently in the game) can only be completed once, and has unique dialogue and character development. On the other hand, you can go on Casual Hangouts as many times as you wish. Currently, only the Garden location has been added for Casual Hangouts. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40811669/26e8b3afb05e1c14df08c41ab21971619d0bf880.gif[/img] This lets players hang out with NPCs beyond the fixed number of Story Hangouts, and gives an alternative way for players to [b]increase Relationship Points[/b] with [b]any [/b]NPC! To make these casual hangouts more eventful, I've also implemented a minigame where players can [b]collect hearts or complete activities[/b] to fill up the satisfaction meter of the NPC. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40811669/4355c58356360fedfb654a33412c0e19b449e8e9.gif[/img] [h3]🍳Food Effects🍳[/h3] As part of the cooking system, 24 out of 48 of the cooked items have [b]Effects[/b]. This can range from things like getting a [b]higher chance of finding a specific gem in the mines[/b], to things like [b]Energy Regeneration[/b]. These Food Effects are separate from Potion buffs, and can stack with effects from worn Equipment. Look at the regen go! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40811669/101ea411e9fa80a340e673ec8f620ebd25924351.gif[/img] [h3]📦Updated shipping box UI, 2 more hotbar slots (6 -> 8 slots)📦[/h3] The Shipping Box now shows the first 32 shipped items, but players can continue adding to it infinitely. The number of slots that our hotbar has is also increased from 6 to 8 slots. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40811669/6f446297254418be6e772d3fcf4421fbce90499b.jpg[/img] [h3]What's after v0.9?[/h3] Pretty exciting stuff, eh? :) I hope you're looking forward to the update! I'll be sharing a more detailed roadmap to 1.0 together with the update next week, but I'm looking at [b]2 more major content updates[/b] (including the 1.0 update), along with several smaller updates in between them. We're slowly but surely getting there! Cheers! Miki 🤍 [url=https://discord.com/invite/J7uyBRqzcf][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40811669/1f349ddc7473d90d765e2ec0899b30730538f2d3.png[/img][/url]