Memorrha Update 1.5 + INDIE EXPO WINTER 2021 Sale


Go on a voyage of discovery following the traces of a mysterious culture. Discover diverse landscapes, investigate abandoned artifacts, and wake strange machines from their slumber.

[url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33894029/5066bdd13c4fbd68963142d93517749e6a3edbb3.jpg[/img][/url] Hello wonderful puzzlers, We will release our next big update fixing some issues that were reported to us. Thanks a lot to all the players who have supported us diligently in troubleshooting and are still doing so. [b]Meanwhile enjoy 75% off the game during the indie expo winter 2021 sale![/b] Or if you already got Memorrha the following improvements are for you: [h2][b]Patchnotes 1.5[/b][/h2] [h3]New Features[/h3] [list] [*] Added option to invert mouseaxis to "X", "Y" and "XY" [*] Added 1920x1200 support [/list] [h3]Improvements[/h3] [list] [*] Improve new game loading speed [*] Improve loadingspeed of mine & temple [*] Improve overall cpu consumption and game framerate [*] Reduce unnecessary big texture-sizes [*] Reduce RAM consumption during the game [/list] [h3]Bugixes[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed a bug in the forgedoors [*] Fixed a bug in the [spoiler]tetris minigame[/spoiler] that leads to crashes on some systems [*] Fixed a bug that would prevent the [spoiler]tetris[/spoiler] achievement from being triggered under specific conditions —> all achievements have been tested and approved again [*] Fixed a bug in the elevators [*] Fixed a bug that would prevent to pick up symbolplates in the forge under specific conditions [*] Fixed many bugs that prevent cullings to not trigger correctly [*] Further small bugfixes [/list] [h3]As always, report further bugs in the forum and stay awesome, puzzlers![/h3]