The Demon - Nicolas Eymerich Inquisitor Audiogame

The inquisitor is back. Nicolas Eymerich has returned for the final battle! The plague... the cursed village... the Devil's dark plan is revealed in the final chapter of the Inquisitor saga. An accessible audio game with engaging game mechanics and 8 different scenarios.

Dear brothers and sisters! We are the [i]Audiogame Association[/i] a game developer focused on creating games for the unsighted and visually impaired people and located in Bologna, Italy. The [i]Inquisitor Audiogame[/i] saga is born in 2012 with the first chapter: [i]The Plague[/i]. [b]We wanted to create a proper conclusion to the series.[/b] So, three and half years ago, we’ve started to create this new adventure. [h1]Team Formation[/h1] Magister Enea Cabra is the game producer, who personally funded this last chapter of The Inquisitor Saga. Luca Contato, is the technical director and lead programmer. Mirko Venturi is the administrator. Ivan Venturi is the story writer, director and creator of all the images that appears in the game. This was the starting team. In the years of work some precious collaborators joined us: our brothers Marco De Vivo, story and dialogue writer, Michele Postpischl, audio, sound and dubbing director, Marco Busetta, compositor. In the final moments of the production the entire [i]Rising Pixel[/i] team helped us in the programming and [i]IV Productions[/i] helped us in the production and testing phases. This is a big work force for an indie game. [b]And so in three years of production we have created what we think is one of the bigger audiogames ever made.[/b] SPREAD THE WORD! Laudetur! - The Inquisitor Brotherhood