March 23 fixes

Vernal Edge

Vernal Edge is a 2D action-packed Metroidvania featuring an intense combat system, tight platforming sequences and a powerful story of rivalry, revenge and growth.

Another update for you today, mostly bugfixes with a few small balance changes as well. Thanks to everyone who played the game and reported issues. If you don't see your bug here, hold tight as there will be more on the way soon. [list] [*] Add swingpole to the end of mineshaft ride [*] Add checkpoints around crushing blocks in spore_left [*] Remove a glowshroom in spore_undercity_right [*] Have cutscene vernal inherit hair colour [*] Give the right item as a reward at mineshaft end [*] Fix pyramid timer and ship radar not resetting draw alpha [*] Fix fight enemy OOB detection [*] Add respawn points to final boss fights [*] Block ceiling of finale_nature_1 [*] Enemy stoppers block shield guy projectile sword [*] Allow shield guys to pick up the shield magically if they cant grab it for 7 seconds [*] Fix crash due to destroyed proj_shieldthrow [*] Fix crash with swordupper spell [*] Fix crash when trying to reflect at nonexistant instance [*] Fix stinger bloom crash [*] Update cached foliage buffers to fix a visual error with floating small rocks getting stretched out [*] Fix parry damage not being dealt [*] More typos [*] Rename 'hard mode' palette to 'vicious' [*] Tone down saffron spear flashing [*] Have certain special hurtboxes ignore swift slice e.g. mushrooms, levers [*] Disable active frames on axeman triangles until they launch [*] Make saffron spear pre-stab more noticable [*] Add light source to creeps so they are easier to spot [*] Add nan check to cap_magnitude (idk why this could happen but it did) [*] Improve visuals of baseball game [*] All deathplanes now deal poise damage [*] Add an option to display speedrun timer below healthbar [*] Don't reset speedrun time when continuing from a death [*] Have pyramid place you outside instead of in the overworld after completing [*] Make timebomb check for slopes [*] Make player uncrushable during pyramid respawn + make respawn placement more aggressive [*] Add failsafe timer to helm splitter [*] Increase block snap distance for ledge grab by 1px [*] Fix sporetown being assigned the wrong storm group in overworld [*] Fix mia fight opening prematurely [*] Prevent simultaneous deaths for vernal and bosses [*] Make airship small door hitbox wider to hopefully prevent clipping through unintentionally [*] Prevent exceeding speed cap in stinger windup phase [*] Separate the bindings for overworld controls to prevent issues from certain conflicts [*] Timebomb mana cost 500 -> 800 [*] Timebomb recast delay 80 -> 120 [*] Acid rain tick damage 20 -> 14 [*] Add more particle effects to acid rain fight to make it clearer something is happening [*] Autopickup timer for shield guys 3s -> 7s [*] Make axe guy triangles semi-transparent when in a non-damaging state [*] Add an indicator for where to go with a certain hard-to-reach creature [/list]