Haricot, a Kingdom in disarray

Vernal Edge

Vernal Edge is a 2D action-packed Metroidvania featuring an intense combat system, tight platforming sequences and a powerful story of rivalry, revenge and growth.

Hey everyone, let's take a deeper look at the Kingdom of Haricot to scratch your lore itch! [img]https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/40469584/dc81e6e33fd46b1168fc970706cd20831c785983.gif[/img] Decades ago, the Kingdom of Haricot was torn from the earth in a catastrophic rubble of land and buildings. Over time the masses of rock have settled, and life carries on in the sky. In recent years however, strange storms have started to appear, and strange monsters have begun to roam the islands. What little peace was to be found now seems unstable... [img]https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/40469584/9b008c8f6f5881d2817d3d4c474891d8d3512d96.gif[/img] Amidst this instability, the Church of Aloe has appeared. With a never ending quest for power, it rose to power and is now ruling with an iron fist on the Kingdom of Haricot and its people. Previously an old and insignificant organization, new technology has granted the Church of Aloe influence in the current world. Utilizing their airships and forces, the people of Haricot are forced into their hands, unable to fend for themselves. [img]https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/40469584/d6f54bbaba3840c8bed4a43d355c5cf765e9ca0b.png[/img] Uncover the mysteries brewing in the mysterious floating islands where a power hungry church rules and vicious monsters roam. If you want to get all the updates about Vernal Edge, follow and wishlist the game! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1546710/Vernal_Edge/