Today we are bringing up a new update for 9-Bit Armies: A Bit Too Far. We are adding three maps, one a variant, as well as several bug fixes, balance changes and UI improvements. Be sure to grab those achievements in the new Survival Mode as well!
We are very busy with the finishing touches on the Sentinels Campaign. It will launch with all four new difficulty modes, and co-op support. Right now our closed testers are going through helping us identify any bugs and difficulty spikes (or dips) so the version you get will be the best it can be!
Many things have changed since we launched in early access earlier this year. So we thought it was time to update our living roadmap. Check it out below and on our Steam page!
Thank you again to everyone who has supported us during early access and we hope you will continue to play with us through to the full release.
[h2]New Features[/h2]
[*] New Map: LANE CHANGE 2p
[*] New Map: PORTAL PERIL (With NO PORTALS) 4p
[*] UI: New Navigation Bar (Campaign Screen)
[*] Achievements added for Survival Mode
[h2]Crash Fixes[/h2]
[*] Fixed various in-game crashes.
[*] Fixed a crash that can occur when doing a structureless attack move order.
[h2]AI Improvements[/h2]
[*] Adjusting unit reaction to indirect damage when not in combat.
[*] Improvements to Air Transport usage.
[*] Adjusted Paracannon strategies.
[*] Adjusted circle radius usage by air flanking.
[*] Reduced overreaction to unit damage.
[*] Better detection of buildings around a resource node for mobile HQs seeking nodes.
[*] More superweapon friendly fire check improvements.
[*] Improved naval patrols.
[*] Improved distant unit reactions toward specific target types.
[*] Increased enemy evaluation by mobile HQ to help continue progress despite scouts.
[*] Tuned use of shrink ray.
[*] Tuned evaluation of water between targets to reduce shoreline reactions.
[*] Improved unit ability to retreat from inappropriate engagements.
[*] Ensured uncontrolled squads are not sent to scout neighbor nodes when wandering.
[*] Reduced bunker entry error possibility.
[*] Tuned stealth assault.
[*] Survival surges set to occur every 5 waves instead of using a timer.
[*] Air Elemental (Hordes Cameo Unit) -- Health increased to 100 (was 80)
[*] Water Elemental (Cameo Hordes Unit) weapon range reduced to 600 (was 900) to match Tadpole (equivalent role).
[*] Player names made easier to read on debrief screen.
[*] Faction logo cleaned up and tech tree elements updated in the online manual.
[*] Campaign Map adjusted to remove black space around map, improve the look of the water slightly, and lock the camera to a fixed position to follow the player avatar around the map.
[*] Brought individual loading bars down on loading screen so they don't interfere with player name legibility.
[*] Sharks will no longer pick up water crates. Water puppies only play with their food again.
[*] Added missing occlusion setting for ground vehicles and ships to allow them to be seen behind geometry and large objects.
[*] Added missing ambient SFX to additional campaign maps where it was missing.
[*] Added missing ambient SFX loops to oil derricks.
[*] Fix for harvesters getting stuck trying to reach a resource node they can never reach (now they will check for alternative, reachable resource nodes).
[*] Adding ambient audio to the world map (global) and individual selected mission locations.
[*] Terrain editor will now save the height levels setting to the sob file.
[*] Added new movement class for attack move orders that ignore structures.
[*] Shipyards are now locked out in the build menu for survival mode.