9-Bit Armies: A Bit Too Far is now LIVE in FULL RELEASE

[img]https://i.postimg.cc/RVwtfgnJ/9-BA-Full-Release-Out-Now.png[/img] Commanders, The day has come, 9-Bit Armies: A Bit Too Far is now out of early access! The full release brings with it: [list] [*] The second campaign, lead the Sentinels, the underdogs in a story transcending time and space. [*] UI improvemnts to better issue build orders, pause cinematics, and identify disconnection issues. [*] 20 new Daily Challenge missions. [*] New maps for both Versus and Survival. [*] Many more fixes and issues addressed. [/list] This and many more additions over dozens of updates during early access are now available for all owners of 9-Bit Armies: A Bit Too Far. We hope to do some streams and community games in the coming days after launch so look out for those and as always thank you commanders for supporting us during the early access development of 9-Bit Armies. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1439750/ https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/39075/9Bit_Bundle_Discount/ [h2]Changelog for 1.0[/h2] [h3]Features + Content[/h3] [list] [*] Sentinels Campaign playable for all - 12 new story missions available in solo, co-op and four difficulty levels. [*] New UI dialogue will pop up if connectivity is slow or problematic to help identify which person is having connection issues. [*] New Survival Map: Wheeler's Ridge [*] New Survival Map: Ice Breaker [*] New Map Shield Wall 2p [*] New Map: Ceiling City 8p [*] New Maps: Cross Battle 8p [*] Achievements for Campaign #2 [*] Community Requested: Ability to add units to front of production queue by using build buttons (hold SHIFT key while clicking moves units to front of queue). [*] New Challenge Missions. We have added nearly 20 new daily challenges. These are variants of existing challenges with a "twist". [*] Hitting the "SPACE BAR pauses game cinematics, and ESC now skips them entirely. [*] Added the "Find Players" matchmaking status button to several additional locations in the game. [/list] [h3]Bug Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed error that prevented display of world map arrow from mission 11 to 12 in campaign 1. [*] Various UI improvements to expand text windows to accommodate longer sentences and foreign translations. Also improved compatibility for ultrawide monitors in some parts of the game. [*] Fixed the middle-button push scroll issues for some players. [*] Fixed visual lines not displaying properly for units put into patrol mode. [*] Ambient audio fixed and/or updated for a number of maps in the game. [*] Fix for map list not showing the currently selected map when first appearing in Versus Skirmish/LAN/Online [*] Engineer repairing from inside an APC is now cancelled if the APC is moving. [/list]