"Golden Hour" update now LIVE!

Commanders, We have a new update for you today. Focusing on fixing bugs and small improvements. You should also see your achievements properly verified and unlocked now. Later on we plan to do a pass over the campaigns to touch them up a little more and fix some longstanding issues. 9-Bit Armies - "Golden Hour" Update now LIVE Commanders, We have a new update for you today. Focusing on fixing bugs and small improvements. You should also see your achievements properly verified and unlocked now. Later on we plan to do a pass over the campaigns to touch them up a little more and fix some longstanding issues. [h2]Campaign[/h2] [list] [*] Increased gold timer from 30 minutes to 40 minutes for Overlords mission 11. [*] Fix for campaign mission objective stars looking "squished" in the upper left corner UI. [/list] [h2]Improvements[/h2] [list] [*] Improved border around text boxes to allow for additional space on the left and right of text. [*] Improved helicopter unloading so that units will not expand into a straight line, but instead group around the helicopter in a circle. [*] Removed extra black/unplayable space around edges of most maps. [/list] [h2]Achievements[/h2] [list] [*] Added new feature (at startup main menu) to verify all stat-tracked achievements (like The Big Eight) are awarded if previously completed. [/list] [h2]Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixes for green/red cells in placement build grid sometimes not appearing to line up with the legal placement positions of structures [*] Fix for cinematic system not being aware when a target object is deleted [*] Fix for main menu buttons not animating after playing a replay [*] Fix for Operation: Thunderbolt daily challenge being impossible [*] Fixed replays so ESC to bring up options menu works after a replay has finished playing, or seeked backwards [*] Fixed replays so all unit and struture 3D SFX properly play, instead of just for certain players [*] Fixed issue which caused a crash when using the timeline bar to seek to the end of the replay. [*] Fix with WASD and Arrow key camera scrolling to work after a replay has ended and after a replay has ended and then the replay is restarted [*] Fix for quickmatch failing to connect after hosting or joining a LAN game [*] Fix for game resolution changing unexpectedly when alt-tabbing [*] Possible fix for stretched structure tooltips [*] Fix for incorrect resolution list showing in the video options dialog when the user selects a different monitor [*] Fixed civilian transport not spawning after reloading sentinel mission 5. [*] Fix for picking bad cross spawn locations on Sand Trap and Shark Tooth Bay in Quickmatch. [*] Fix for not remembering the preferred GPU if the GPU order changes [*] Fix for not defaulting to a discrete GPU in preference to an AMD integrated GPU [*] Fix for video options dialog resolution list when using a GPU that has no display outputs attached and is instead using the display output of a different GPU. Fix for video options dialog sometimes showing the incorrect native resolution when selecting full-screen borderless window option [*] Fixed Map Editor to correctly play audio on animations. [/list]