Majority Of Team Now Working On Black Masses

The Black Masses

The Black Masses is an open world first-person fantasy co-op RPG. The Black Masses features our next generation of crowd rendering technology rebuilt from Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator. Explore a 16 square kilometer island populated by hundreds of thousands of possessed inhabitants.

Since the start of the new year, the majority of our team is now working on The Black Masses (Before that, a small portion had been working on it since our last July) . We are working towards full release of 1.0. Going from beta to full release takes time with such a small team. We have not given any public updates because we wanted to wait until we had a solid release date, but since it's been quite some time we wanted to give you a small progress update. At this time we do not have an official release date, but we are hoping for the end of February. When an official date is set we will be sure to let you all know! Hang in there everyone, it's close!