Hi everybody! Since our last update we’ve been silently developing the game and now we are ready to share what we have in store. This update will be focused on gameplay changes and new systems like island and building missions as well as seals which are upgrades you can equip!
After this update we will update the game in a near date to complete changes we planned for the gameplay. They won’t be anything major but will be crucial for the health of the game. After those updates we will start packing our full release. Thank you all for being with us through Early Access where we made mistakes, learned and made more mistakes. And learned. And made more mistakes.
But first a reminder, [b]the price of the game is at the cheapest point since our Early Access release[/b]. The 40% discount will be live until the end of the Steam Summer Festival!
With the Seals and Sunshines update, you can;
[*]Complete challenging island and building missions!
[*]Unlock Seals to get stronger strategically!
[*]Make use of new strategies with reworked buildings!
[*]Select which factory you'll get at milestones!
[b][h1]What's New?[/h1][/b]
[b][h2]Factory Selection[/h2][/b]
[*]Rather than getting random factories each milestone, now you have the option to select which factory you want at those milestones.
[*]When you're prompted to select a factory, you can select whichever factory you want -house amenity or support- until you reach a certain amount.
[*]We made this change to decrease milestone complexity and to give players freedom for strategy. You don’t need more support, then take a house factory instead, vice versa…
[b][h2]Building Reworks[/h2][/b]
[*]All building descriptions and some keywords have been updated.
[*]14 buildings are reworked, below you can find more information about the reworked buildings.
[*][b]Toy Store:[/b] Gives you a copy of the last Generated building you’ve played. Panic: Gives more of that building.
[*][b]Satellite:[/b] Gives you either a casino or a random support when triggered.
[*][b]Cafe:[/b] When played Destroys all of your houses on hand and gives a random support based on the number of houses destroyed.
[*][b]Carpenter:[/b] Doesn’t give house roofs anymore, but the copying effect works with all peak buildings. (“Peak” is our new word for the old keyword “Roof”.)
[*][b]Industry:[/b] Destroys any building connecting around. Advances all factories a certain amount of turns for each building Destroyed.
[*][b]Mechanic:[/b] Drains the factories connected. Generates a certain amount of Jails for every active factory Drained.
[*][b]Cinema:[/b] Now the countdown for factolings also advance when you destroy a factory.
[*][b]Courthouse:[/b] Generates a certain amount of Jail if you place a certain amount of buildings in one turn.
[*][b]Jail:[/b] Let's you select an Action Factory. The selection gives you three choices, each choice having an action factory with one action building in it.
[*][b]Watchmaker:[/b] Now it is an Action Building. Generates a Watchtower for a certain amount of turns after getting placed.
[*][b]Lab:[/b] Generates a certain amount of copy of the last building you've played for every couple buildings you play in a turn.
[*][b]Tent:[/b] Now it is a Special Building. Gathers the populations of destroyed buildings. Generates an evolving Skyscraper each time you hit a certain amount of population gathered. Each new Tent increases the gathering area.
[*][b]Police Station:[/b] When played, Destroys all of your Amenities at hand. Forgives a certain amount of deaths for each Amenity Destroyed.
[*][b]School:[/b] Doesn’t do anything rather than giving a lot of population now. This is temporary and will be reworked in one of the close future updates.
[*]Also a lot of balance changes. We will keep balancing these buildings in the next updates. We developed every necessary system for it.
[b][h2]Mission System[/h2][/b]
[*]Now when you complete an island, you will get challenge missions. There will be 5 missions per island which will award you with keys. We will talk about the purpose of the keys in the Seal section. Also we will add special Island missions with the next updates.
[*]Also now every building has a mission. These missions are all the same and require you to play that building for a couple of times. We wanted to add these to motivate every player into trying out each building. With the next updates every building will get a challenging special mission too. Building missions will award you with experience.
[*]Not the animal but the powerful seals important people use to STAMP! Now you can unlock brand new seals which will help you in different ways.
[*]There are 8 seals currently and we will keep adding more and new seals as we keep updating the game.
[*]You can discover a seal via completing an island for the first time or unlocking all of the buildings of a building group which we call Arcs.
[*]You can unlock discovered Seals with Keys and upgrade them from level 1 to 5 with your Experience.
[*]You can only equip a few seals, so be careful what you select!
[h2]Other Changes[/h2]
Quite a few, here they are!
[*]Summer has come to our menu! -We don’t talk about spring no no no…
[*]Now you can press F8 to reach a better in-game reporting system.
[*]Tutorial bug has been fixed.
[*]Infinite Building Bug has been fixed.
[*]Handbook’s UI and browsing has been upgraded.
[*]Brand new pages and filtering system for the Handbook.
[*]More clarity updates throughout the game.
[*]All achievement bugs are fixed.
[*]Localization has been improved.
[*]Factories’ system has been improved, no more pain waiting for an exact building.
[*]Railing animation has been changed.
[*]Now you also get notified when you are in risk of losing because of an economical crisis.
[*]New currencies.
[*]Brand new icons and models for some aspects of the game.
[*]Now you can see how high your city is from the menus at the bottom left.
[b][h2]Last Words[/h2][/b]
We’ve been away from eyes to develop some certain needed systems for the game but since we completed those systems you might expect more news and updates from us.
In our current plan we want to keep updating the game to complete the changes on gameplay and clarity. What will happen after that is still a mystery but we know that the full release of Pile Up! will be this year so it is pretty close.
We thank you all for your support and thoughts. Please keep providing us your feedback and thoughts from [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/2094910/discussions/]Steam Discussions[/url], [url=https://discord.com/invite/zXYEywX7qj]our Discord Server[/url] or through the In-Game Report System you can access by pressing F8. We always keep an eye on them and they are really helpful for us.
I mean the Southern Hemisphere is experiencing Winter but… Let’s not talk about it.
See ya in the next update!