40% discount continues with the IGF Celebration Days!

As you may know, Pile Up! took part in Independent Games Festival this year and was a finalist for the Best Student Game Awards. After the festival, the wonderful folks over at [url=https://store.steampowered.com/developer/CrunchingKoalas]Crunching Koalas[/url] invited us to the event they're organizing to celebrate all the great games at the Independent Games Festival. We'll be continuing our 40% discount we had for the Summer Sale until the end of IGF Celebration Days! If you missed the chance to grab Pile Up! during Summer Sale, the game will be discounted for 9 days longer! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42739624/8c0c10916d369d0a3c017a1180bdf1c511ebbb1d.png[/img] The event and the discount will run from July 11, 11 AM PDT to July 20, 11 AM PDT. [b]Don't miss out on our biggest discount yet and get Pile Up! for 40% off now![/b] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2094910/Pile_Up/?snr=1_5_1100__1100&utm_source=steamwidget Thank you to the [url=https://store.steampowered.com/developer/CrunchingKoalas]Crunching Koalas[/url] team for organizing this event and inviting us!