Major Update - now on version


A desperate celestial mining engineer races against a vengeful hacker to save his friend, the only one who knows the way home. Survive the harsh conditions of a world riddled in conflict and uncover deep secrets best left buried light-years from Earth.

Hello there! We've pushed another large update with some important fixes and updates. Some notable ones: [*] Updated the enemy AI behavior considerably (feels more rooted in the world) [*] Updated Target Assist to be off by default (holding shift/left trigger enables it) [*] Updated the Ion Drill to work more as a long range weapon using a mini-screen that zooms and has less rounds per reload [*] Updated player inventory to support 8 items per slot for most items [*] Updated enemies to show an exclamation point above them in the Investigation Screen to indicate threat level (orange = aware of player, red = attacking player) [*] Added soviten rocks that can be inventoried and destroyed to create a soviten zone (i.e. vertical zero-g tube) in any spot Here's the complete list from this update as well as since the last post on Jan 27: [list] [*] Added destroyable rock, pipe, and tower areas [*] Updated droids to be able to shoot things around the player [*] Increased amount of resolve from each enemy death [*] Fixed issue with Ion Drill bullets not colliding properly [*] Updated critters to use a "hive mind" (attack one and it may scream and call for help from nearby critters) [*] Updated player death sequence [*] Fixed issue updating Quick Menu after dropping item [*] Added more blood and damage particles during combat [*] Fixed issue with Sonic Grenade floating too high [*] Added ability to move slightly in the air while falling/jumping [*] Removed the ability to "Activate" certain throwable items when holding them [*] Updated so that first throwable item is automatically enabled (visible in the bottom right of the HUD) [*] Fixed various issues updating the inventory menu when interacting with or dropping items [*] Fixed issues equipping weapons from within the inventory menu [*] Updated Bioreserve to use more of the jumping mechanic (elevator is broken, more platforms, etc) [*] Added wall barriers in sensitive areas that trigger droid combat [*] Improved the look of particles for several weapons [*] Updated how the soviten zones look and work (there's no more damage) [*] Added large soviten rocks that can be destroyed to create a taller zone [*] Updated soviten zones to apply vertical force when there is no player input [*] Improved ease of movement in soviten zones [*] Fixed issue with some particles not triggering on enemy death [*] Updated a lot of sound effects in various areas [*] Fixed issues with certain objects hovering in the air [*] Added more statements for MQ that trigger in certain situations [*] Fixed explosives to cause damage and apply force by distance radius [*] Fixed issue with being able to save the game while falling (player must be on the ground) [*] Updated droids to use an evasive move when in combat [*] Updated more critters to separate into pieces on death [*] Fixed various navigation issues with the enemies [*] Increased flame thrower distance [*] Added a soviten puzzle to Quadrant 7 Storage level [*] Fixed issues using the Hacking Device to hack pin entries and terminals [*] Fixed issue with Laboratory location not showing up in the Investigation screen [*] Several tweaks to levels to help improve performance and chance for encounters with enemies [*] Updated the health meters to be larger, clearer, and more squarish [*] Fixed the resolve color to not use dark blue [*] Added a new structure to investigate in the Quadrant 7 area [*] Fixed issue exiting a tablet causing the player control to freeze [*] Fixed scrap shield image not showing up in player inventory menu [*] Fixed how some light sources appear as "orbish" [*] Fixed some animations for some critters [*] More polish on the terrains by painting certain areas to look more natural [*] Fixed some environmental 2D sound effects to be in 3D [*] Fixed issue waking up from dream and the screen not looking groggy/confused [*] Fixed issue with NXT explosive bouncing and rolling too far [*] Updated the look of the critter footstep particles [*] Added hologram objects in Laboratory level [*] Updated how player takes damage from critters (when poison collides with players instead of with the rising smoke) [*] Updated the Media Gallery Menu to auto-zoom on recently imported images [*] Fixed the speed of the player falling from great heights [*] Fixed issues not exiting terminals in certain cases [*] Fixed errors using explosives and other weapons when changing levels [/list] Best of luck out there! Larry and Mat