Major update: 3D fleet maneuvers, superweapon, modding

Stellar Warfare

Space RTS with base building and ship customization. Personal passion project. More than 200 available ships, weapons and modules to design your fleet with. Contains a small campaign, several single and multiplayer game modes and a coop game mode. Also contains Wave defense!

[h1][b]Space maneuvers[/b][/h1] Big update time! There have been a few cases in which I've had the feedback that the current battles look a bit static. The effects are nice, but the ships weren't really moving during combat. This update will address that issue. Your ships will now enter space acrobatics and will dance around the enemy ships in an attempt to avoid projectiles. At the same time the majority of their guns will remain trained upon their victims! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35421124/8a4d9cc9eb47725b770cff8267cff49ce0a39cf0.gif[/img] You can toggle this behavior on or off in the bottom right of your screen. All selected ships will then adjust their behavior accordingly. [h1][b]Superweapon[/b][/h1] In addition to that we now also have The Unmaker! A superweapon that shoots a weaponized sun towards the enemy. Technology has come a long way in the future and they've managed to keep the sun stable enough to launch it towards whatever enemy target you wish. It will lose cohesion upon impact though, and will deal catastrophic damage to nearby targets. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35421124/97802627b739ad2a830c6e33beaf7ecd056a198b.gif[/img] [h1][b]Modding[/b][/h1] All players are now able to use the Workshop and create new mods. Instructions can be found in the workshop. Right now modding is limited to being able to uploading 3D models from your favorite franchise. Or models you've made yourself of course. This way you can replace all the ships you want and modify things to suit your own taste. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35421124/6c8d129676e852ee63766c00de46c87dcadc784e.png[/img] [h1][b]Ship engine trails[/b][/h1] I'm also experimenting with ship engine trails. Right now I have enabled those for the following ships: [list] [*] Ant [*] Corvette [*] Frigate [*] Destroyer [/list] Should people like it I will also enable them for all other ships. Or perhaps make it a toggle so that people can choose for themselves! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35421124/a126271ba9c49f14aadb4ff4126f7bd82c573bfb.gif[/img] [h1]Other changes[/h1] [b]Features[/b] [list] [*] Added The Superweapon "The Unmaker" [*] Ships now have an a space maneuvers mode. This is on by default and can be turned off in the bottom right of the screen. [*] Some default ship frames now has visible trails (WiP) [*] Added a new medium ship "Crawler" [*] Added a new medium ship "Flint" [/list] [b]Changes[/b] [list] [*] Pirate ships can now be toggled on/off in MP and SP game modes [*] Titankiller: got Plasma Barreller turret instead of Ion Cannon [*] Beamship: got Plasma Barreller and Azaury Mk2 instead of Ion Cannon + Queller [*] Polished the scorescreen a bit [/list] [b]Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Removed Self Repair from the pirate ships [*] Fixed Shipyard missing some of its colliders [*] Fixed bug causing new players unable to build anything in the match if they do not visit Fleet editor prior [*] Fixed incorrect slide numbers for a guide slides [*] Fixed "Mods" and "Progression" labels overlapping guide slides [*] Fixed Circi having extensive box colliders with negative bounds [*] Fixed drag and drop feature in the Fleet Editor [*] Agonizer's laser shield was functioning, but had a weird origin bug. Hopefully my fix will change that [*] Fixed "Base Assault" button in the fleet editor not working [*] Fixed Transport ship kills being counted towards Pirate ships in achievements [/list] That's it for this time folks! Some other cool stuff are in the making as well, but I'll keep that a secret for now. Have fun and see you in the spacewar!