Lunar New Year 20% off sale, Steam Cloud, & Huge Update

[h2]Lunar New Year sale: 20% off![/h2] In celebration of the Lunar New year, we're putting the game on a historical low 20% off, In addition to 4 new "God of Wealth" outfits, the Training map has gotten a makeover, featuring some new decor! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42755219/05cc4d5c8aaeaf78a6c8b94a27c3134f7ea6b484.png[/img] [h2]Cloud Saving[/h2] Steam cloud saving is finally here! Rejoice in cross-device saving! [h2]Huge Fix & Balance update![/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42755219/1c2d688025a4724b6b41cacb1cca9c5ef6c2d417.png[/img] [h3]Patch 1.20[/h3] Also, here's a huge patch address many of the existing issues, with a large amount of balance changes! (More fixes still to come!) [b][i]Additions[/i][/b] - New Outfit: God of Wealth, to celebrate the Spring Festival! - Spring Festival theme added to Training map (however it is no longer the focus of daily missions) - Added 24 more inventory slots, that's an extra 4 rows of items, woooooooooo! - Added Steam's cloud saving [b][i]Changes[/i][/b] - Using the Slot Machine now greys out unclickable buttons for clarity - Marathon feat now shows decimals to more easily track progress [b][i]Fixes[/i][/b] - Explosives no longer show 2 explosions when hitting something point blank - Boss healthbars are shorter and should no longer cover weapon names - Missions with lives will now end the moment all human players run out of lives (ignoring living AI teammates) - Shields can no longer reduce dmg mid-air by holding the down(block) button - Phantom + Police Fire rate properly set to 12.5 like the other Phantom shields - Knife now properly has +15% crit chance - Machete now can properly do Headshots - Fixed Headshot dmg bonus on Vital Sight - The challenge mission: Kevlar with a Vengeance, no longer stacks armor infinitely - The weapon mod Damage while streak is active now works as intended (though it may not always display if the bonus is too low - Ex: 10.2 dmg will display as 10 dmg) [b][i]Balance[/i][/b] - Tanks now properly have half dash distance as they always should have (Melee desc re-written to explain that Assassins have more dash range) - Tanks base health now boosted to 140 (from 130), to revert part of a previous nerf, now that they're less mobile - Burst-fire weapons now have greatly reduced recoil during the burst - Burst-fire weapons have ~10% less dmg & firerate to compensate for the recoil buff [i][b]Item Balance Specifics[/b][/i] - Ak47: Impact +1, Range +1.7 - Fal: Impact -2 - G36: Fire Rate -10% - Famas: Impact -2, Fire Rate -10%, -50% Recoil - Crowssbow: Projectile speed +25% - L115: Accuracy -4 - Jackal: Accuracy +3 - .50 Cal: Accuracy +3 - Rpg: Accuracy +3 - M79: Impact -4, AoE -10% - Stinger: Impact +11, Projectile speed -10%, AoE +5% - Javalin: Impact -9, Projectile speed +5%, AoE -10% - M202: Impact -5, -50% Recoil - All Shields: Spare Clips +1 - Phantom + Police: Fire rate set back to 12.5 - Doubleshot: Impact -6, Spare Clips -1 - .32 Ocelot: Accuracy +3 - .500 Toro: Spare Clips -2 - .45 Unica: Fire Rate -10%, Spare Clips -1 - Knife: Now has +15% crit chance - Machete: Now can do Headshots - Rpd: Range +2 - Minigun: Range -1.5, Ammo packs refill double the ammo - MK46: Range +0.5 - Aug: Range +1.5, Accuracy +3 - OICW: Impact -4, Fire Rate -10%, -50% Recoil - Jackhammer: Ammo +2, Accuracy +3, Impact +4 - AA12: Ammo +1, Accuracy +2, Impact +3 - Spas12: Accuracy +5, Range +1 - Boomstick: Range -0.5, Fire rate -15% - Terminator: Range +0.5, Impact +5, Accuracy +5 - Desert Eagle: Impact -2 - G18: Impact +1 - P9K: Accuracy +2 - Mac10: Impact +1 - M1911: Range +0.5 - USP: Impact +1 - Bear's Knife: Bleed damage +25% - Bookmark: Fire rate -25% - Silent Spring: Impact +4, Fire rate -15%, Range +2 - Bayonette: 3-8% > 5-10% execute threshhold - Autofire: 5-15% > 3-9% Fire rate - Vital Sight: Fixed Headshot dmg bonus - Unbreakable: 30% > 50% Reduced Crit & Headshot dmg - Shadowblend: Enemies need to be ~20% closer to spot you - Tactical Holster: second Primary does 30-10% > 40-35% less damage - Hollow Point: 15-30% > 10-20% more dmg to full Hp enemies - Accuracy mods reduced by 33% - Damage while airborn reduced by 40% (However, now this works) - Damage while streak is ready reduced by 50%; (However, now this works) [i]HUGE thanks to [b]AniArtistMe[/b] for testing and helping with [b]all changes[/b][/i] [h3]Patch 1.21 hotfix[/h3] - Fixed weapons/items from future DLC occasionally being obtainable now [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42755219/1900f8bf3da3c1a650332c5a1c23137548d12b0c.png[/img] With hope to keep fixing/updating the game well into 2024, and want to thank everyone for your continued support. [h3]<3 Sky9 Games[/h3]