What if someone knew your mind better than you did? The Swapper is an award-winning, narrative driven puzzle game set in the furthest reaches of space.
We've just released an update that we decided to call v1.16.
It adds and contains, amongst other boring techy things:
[*] [b]Linux support![/b]
[*] [b]OSX support![/b]
[*] SDL2 as platform abstraction library instead of OpenTK, fixes multiple compatibility issues
[*] GPU-scaled fullscreen mode, the game never changes screen resolution anymore
[*] Updated FMOD audio library to version 4.44.30, fixes audio related crashes
[*] The game doesn't use XML serializers anymore, fixes an extremely rare crash issue
[*] Improved debug logging
[*] Made gamepad support more robust
[*] Got rid of GLU requirement
[*] Multiple minor compatibility fixes
Linux and OS X versions will be available for download also for people who bought the game before the update!