Level Editor, Trading Cards live


Boid is real-time strategy at its most primal - your only resource is your army. No funds to manage or infrastructures to build. It’s a kill or be killed battle of rapid decisions to dominate the gene pool.

[img]http://i.imgur.com/VCTMCym.png[/img] Woo! We just launched the Level Editor within [url=http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=314010&browsesort=trend§ion=readytouseitems&days=90]Steam Workshop[/url]. You can now create full-on BOID levels and play them online against other people. It's INCREDIBLY easy to use. Here's Tom and Matthijs figuring it out within 5 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDUPqS_kMM0 [h1]Full update log[/h1] Here's a full list of what you can expect to find: New Features: [list][*]Map Editor added [*]Trading Cards added [*]Added "beginner" difficulty to bots[/list] Improvements: [list][*]After opponent quits a ranked match the result gets saved [*]Exceptions logging improved [*]Leagues points calculation slightly changed [*]Label control improved - MaxWidth added [*]InputLabel control improved [*]Detailed analytics integrated [*]Maps list scrolling changed [*]Maps directories changed [*]Changed Map format[/list] Balance: [list][*]Melee vs. Melee fight time shortened [*]Amount of defending units on all maps lowered [*]Enclave map changed [*]Warp Zone map changed [*]Basic units nerfed. -15% speed -10% damage [*]Kamikaze explosion time lowered [*]Base claim time lowered[/list] Bugs: [list][*]Turrets vs. Guns fights fixed [*]Fixed issue with long names overlapping scores [*]"Select by unit type" hotkey fixed [*]InputLabel capital letters input fixed [*]Fixed bug with wrong user league/division icon in versus view [*]Fixed bug with info panel not showing closest friends results[/list] This is the biggest update to BOID yet, and as promised the price for BOID is now $5.99 -- up from the initial $2.99 price point. [img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/314010/extras/620_boid_progress.png?t=1427708970[/img] Let us know what you think about the new features!