LAUNCH 1.0 Release on June 13th!

Seeds of Resilience

Ready to start anew? Build a village from scratch in Seeds of Resilience. Learn to choose the right items, understand nature's patterns, use real life-based constructions and craft techniques in this turn-based tycoon game.

[img][/img] Hello fellow villagers! We’re glad to announce that Seeds of Resilience is coming in 1.0 release on June 13th. SOR has been in development for more than 6 years now and we feel like it’s a good time to release it. [h1]PLANS AFTER 1.0[/h1] Antonin aka Gan has been the solo game programmer on this project, with the great arts by Alexandre & marketing by Goblinz. Being the only programmer on a project is a GREAT task. We know everyone would love more features, more work, more content. We would like to give SOR a good 1.0 release before looking at the post-release content. We’re discussing with partners to bring it to Switch or mobile platforms. If we do this, we may bring a bit of new content along with those platforms. [img][/img] [h1]“MISSIONS UPDATE” TEASING.[/h1] We hired a QA team, will be pushing the “Missions Update” and bringing tons of new fixes for the game on June 13th. Our graphic artist is also working on a new trailer that showcases the latest features. You can already test the “missions update” in the beta test. Thank you to everyone for all the feedback and joy shared making Seeds of Resilience. Join us on June 13th to celebrate the 1.0 release of SOR :) Cheers, Love from all Subtle Games & Goblinz Studio.