Shift Quantum - A Cyber Noir Puzzle Platformer

Shift Quantum is a brain-busting platformer using a unique mechanic called SHIFTING, a way to twist your environment and invert space around you. Bend your mind to reach the exit of each level and unveil the secrets of a strange program. Extend the experience, create and share your own levels.

[img][/img] Hello Shifters, We'd like to thanks all the people who follow Shift Quantum and simply remind you that the game will go back to full price tomorrow. The whole team is super exhausted but happy to see that some of you already bought the game. BTW don't hesitate to leave a review on our Steam page. It really helps to get more traffic and as an indie studio, we need it. Thank you again :shiftheart: :shiftbcb::shiftbcb::shiftbcb::shiftbcb::shiftbcb::shiftbcb::shiftbcb::shiftbcb::shiftbcb: :shiftbcb::shiftbcb::shiftwb::shiftwb::shiftbcb::shiftwb::shiftwb::shiftbcb::shiftbcb: :shiftbcb::shiftwb::shiftwb::shiftwb::shiftwb::shiftwb::shiftwb::shiftwb::shiftbcb: :shiftbcb::shiftwb::shiftwb::shiftwb::shiftwb::shiftwb::shiftwb::shiftwb::shiftbcb: :shiftbcb::shiftbcb::shiftwb::shiftwb::shiftwb::shiftwb::shiftwb::shiftbcb::shiftbcb: :shiftbcb::shiftbcb::shiftbcb::shiftwb::shiftwb::shiftwb::shiftbcb::shiftbcb::shiftbcb: :shiftbcb::shiftbcb::shiftbcb::shiftbcb::shiftwb::shiftbcb::shiftbcb::shiftbcb::shiftbcb: :shiftbcb::shiftbcb::shiftbcb::shiftbcb::shiftbcb::shiftbcb::shiftbcb::shiftbcb::shiftbcb: