Shift Quantum - A Cyber Noir Puzzle Platformer

Shift Quantum is a brain-busting platformer using a unique mechanic called SHIFTING, a way to twist your environment and invert space around you. Bend your mind to reach the exit of each level and unveil the secrets of a strange program. Extend the experience, create and share your own levels.

Hello Shifters, We recently fixed a few bugs and wanted to let you know. Please don't hesitate to let us know if you find more issues. [h1]Steam Patch notes: (patch 1.0.6)[/h1] [list][*]Fixed issue causing player to fall off the world [*]Fixed issues with player not dying from falling crates [*]Fixed stability issues in the editor [*]Updated time out to 15 seconds to fetch community levels [*]Fixed update of black and white blocks that could sometimes be incorrectly set [*]Removed default entry and exit door when creating a new level in the editor [/list] Also, Steam has a new functionality allowing developers and publishers to create their own Steam pages. We made one for Fishing Cactus, where we'll share info about all our coming games that don't have steam pages yet but also run contests to reward the community. Follow the dev page and comment its latest announcement in order to win prizes such as t-shirts and copies of our games. [img][/img] Cheers :shiftheart: