Shift Quantum - A Cyber Noir Puzzle Platformer

Shift Quantum is a brain-busting platformer using a unique mechanic called SHIFTING, a way to twist your environment and invert space around you. Bend your mind to reach the exit of each level and unveil the secrets of a strange program. Extend the experience, create and share your own levels.

[img][/img] We are back from [b]Gamescom[/b], and after a very nice recovering week we decided that it was time to select the [b]winners[/b] from the contest that took place at our booth during Gamescom 2017. We won't reveal your emails in the announcement so check your emails :epihappy: If you didn't win or simply want to win too, just comment the post and I'll be more than happy to pick a [b]very last winner from the comments[/b]. If you lose once again, we'll run another contest during [b]EGX 2017[/b] :epiwink: