Shift Quantum - A Cyber Noir Puzzle Platformer

Shift Quantum is a brain-busting platformer using a unique mechanic called SHIFTING, a way to twist your environment and invert space around you. Bend your mind to reach the exit of each level and unveil the secrets of a strange program. Extend the experience, create and share your own levels.

Hi Shifters, Hope you are doing great! To celebrate Halloween, we are running a contest to win t-shirts of the game. All you have to do is to follow the instructions below. 1. Create your spooky level in the level editor. 2. Tag your level as SCARY and submit it. 3. LIKE this Steam post or this [url=]tweet [/url]or this [url=]Facebook [/url]post and reply to one of them with a screenshot of your level. [img][/img] Contest ends in 2 weeks! Ready to scare me? Just kidding! That's pratically impossible. Have spooky Halloween! PS: There is a surprise coming soon. [img][/img]