Large Content Update v0.95 Now Live!

The Black Masses

The Black Masses is an open world first-person fantasy co-op RPG. The Black Masses features our next generation of crowd rendering technology rebuilt from Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator. Explore a 16 square kilometer island populated by hundreds of thousands of possessed inhabitants.

It's finally here everyone! The first large content update for The Black Masses is now live. Trailer: [previewyoutube=pSiQCgVdDBk;leftthumb][/previewyoutube] NOTE: For those of you who have beaten the game We have done our best to make sure old profiles can continue playing in this version. Blessing points will be reset on old profiles, so you simply need to reassign them! Old players who beat the game should also check their journal for a new story quest. Below we will list some of the new content and changes. Content: -New map areas added. (Several towns and cities, the Redwood forest and more). -Level cap increased to 40. -A multitude of new side quests and secret areas. -Main questline continues to Perth City. -Large amount of shiny new weapons and items. -Several new abilities and skills added. -New cinematic added. Patchnotes: -Improved opening cinematic visuals. - Level up now restores your vitals -Dead zombie planking issues improved. -Glitch in idle animation for one handed weapons fixed. - Changes and improvements made to input mapping. - Inventory scrollbar functionality added. - Improved ability to reach over surfaces that extend behind the player's head when climbing upwards or jumping upwards to climb. - Increased radius of item looting check. - Descriptions for stats now show in a tooltip in the stats tab when you hover over the names. - Reduced camera shake on throwing. - Added the option to make weapon scrolling the primary use of the mouse wheel (the mouse wheel scrolls through abilities by default and holding 'E' and scrolling scrolls through weapons). - Added the option to disable item and consumable scrolling which will make the controls for throwing items and cooking grenades more straightforward. - Added more sounds (using consumables, jumping, landing, running, climbing). - Opening the main menu in offline play now pauses the game (inventory, blessings, map, etc. does not pause). - Decreased max catch speed (if you would take extreme fall damage, you can't catch a ledge at that speed). - Health regen. - Regen delay changed from 5 seconds to 10 seconds. - Regen amount reduced to 0.5% per second. - Added stamina cost to climbing-related actions. - Blessing tree changes (new blessings added and existing ones reworked) - New abilities added (Spread Shot, Shockwave, Blast Hammer) - Added default damage modifiers to sharp weapons and ranged weapons, reducing their effectiveness against armor, while blunt weapons maintain normal damage against armor. Hundreds of other small changes and fixes were made. Have a fantastic summer everyone!! Regards, Robert.