Known issues/ upcoming fixes

Forgotten Fields

Forgotten Fields is a cozy narrative game about Sid - a struggling writer who travels back to his childhood home one last time before it's sold off. Visit old friends, relive memories, solve puzzles and play through sections of Sid's book in this warm game about nostalgia and the passage of time.

Here's a list of bug reports raised by players, for which fixes are in the works: [list] [*] Player can move Sid's head around in the first-person car drive section. [*] Reloading the game at the phone section in Sid's house can make the phone un-interactable. [*] Talking to Aish again after she asks you to get the glasses (without talking to the fisherman) can make the fisherman un-interactable. [*] If you miss cloth stuck in the tree QTE the first time, then the flashing QTE indicator can become stuck on the screen. [/list] Expect fixes for these within a few days! -Armaan