Unwording is OUT NOW!!


Rainswept takes you on an emotional adventure in a small town shaken by a double shooting. Join Detective Stone and unravel a tangled web of love, relationships, and unresolved trauma in this character-driven murder mystery game.

Hi everyone! I'm happy to announce that after over a year of work, my new game [i][b]Unwording [/b][/i] is finally out! :) https://store.steampowered.com/app/1974250/Unwording The game launches at $4.99, with a 10% discount - so if you've been interested in the game, the best time to get it would be now! It also really helps in getting the game picked up by Steam's algorithm if it's bought (and reviewed!) in the first 24 hours. This would be SUPER helpful and appreciated! Thank you for all the support - this has been quite a personal game with a lot of learnings from my own life and experiences, and I sincerely hope you like the game and that it resonates with you! Lastly, below is the launch trailer. And if you need help with anything, or just want to get in touch, drop me a mail at armaan@frostwoodinteractive.com - Armaan [previewyoutube=LD2cMPQh2DI;full][/previewyoutube]